
Technology Unwrapped

The most important technology concepts, strategies and actions uncovered for your business.

CoreTech Staff

CoreTech Staff
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Author's Posts

How to Avoid Being Socially Engineered

Social engineering attacks are increasing in inboxes everywhere, and it’s vital that your employees know how to spot these manipulation attempts. In fact, according to an expert panel from Digital Guardian, only 3 percent of attackers try to exploit technical components and devices. What about the other 97 percent?
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Topics: Security Threats, Network Security

7 Superb Tips for Microsoft Teams Power Users

From calls, chats, video conferencing, and everything in between, Microsoft Teams is a powerhouse for keeping your work and correspondence all within one interface. And there’s no shortage of features and capabilities on Microsoft Teams, either. In fact, it might feel like we’ve only scratched the surface in our previous posts on Teams. So in today’s post, I’m going to detail seven lesser-known tips and tricks for maximizing your use of Microsoft Teams.
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Topics: Microsoft Products

Top 5 Cyber Security Threats for Real Estate Companies

Having recently purchased a house with my fiancé, I have witnessed firsthand how complex and involved the real estate process can get, as well as how many potential cyber security risks arise during a real estate transaction. Whether your real estate company sells residential or commercial properties, security of your contacts and data is critical.
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Topics: Security Threats, Network Security

What You Need to Know About the Dark Web, Deep Web, and Surface Web

Every organization conducts business online, but you may not realize that the Web is much larger and more complex than most of us are aware of. In fact, the portion of the web that you use for day-to-day activity is just the tip of the iceberg. There’s also the deep web, and the malevolent-sounding dark web. It’s important to understand the differences among the surface web, the deep web and the dark web, as well as what you can do to protect your information from ending up for sale on the dark ...
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Topics: Security Threats, Network Security

CoreTech is the Proud Recipient of the CompTIA Security Trustmark+

“CoreTech continues to align with our clients' business needs and goals by putting them first, especially when it comes to the security of IT systems and data,” says Chris Vilim, president of CoreTech. From proactive approaches in managed IT services to regular cyber security updates and alerts on our numerous channels, CoreTech is a client-focused, security-driven managed service provider (MSP). To reinforce those values, our team recently underwent the process to obtain an IT security ...
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Topics: Our Company

Take Charge of Your Microsoft Teams Activity Feed with Filtering

If your company uses Microsoft Teams, you’re likely part of numerous Teams and channels within the application.
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Topics: Microsoft Products

Scam Alert: Keep an Eye Out During the 2021 Tax Season

Normally, tax season is a special occasion for cyber criminals to ramp up their scam efforts, but cyber scams have been consistent throughout the last year due to the political climate, the pandemic and now, the distribution of a vaccine. Throw in tax season, and hackers have considerable fodder for numerous cyber scams.
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Topics: Security Threats, Trends, Finance

How Does Artificial Intelligence Impact SMB Cyber Security?

To simplify and automate some processes, many fields of business, like marketing and customer service, are taking advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to make their daily work processes easier and smoother. But there’s another crucial industry that’s heavily impacted by artificial intelligence: cyber security. With the array of IT security solutions that utilize AI becoming more readily available, you can expect small and medium-sized businesses to have access to these ...
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Topics: Security Threats, Network Security

Implement Microsoft Teams Approvals and Watch Productivity Flourish

Last Thursday, Microsoft unveiled another new, generally available, feature for Teams, known as Approvals.
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Topics: Microsoft Products

SolarWinds Breach Underscores Need for Vigilant SMB Cyber Security Practices

Many cyber security frontrunners and government agencies are calling the SolarWinds breach one of the most sophisticated attacks they have ever witnessed. Its global reach, to organizations of all sizes, stresses the importance of an optimized, layered cyber security strategy. In today’s post, I’m going to detail what happened in the SolarWinds breach, why it matters and how you can keep your SMB safe from cyber security attacks with the right solutions.
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Topics: Security Threats, Data Breach, Network Security