
Technology Unwrapped

The most important technology concepts, strategies and actions uncovered for your business.

Ransomware Gangs: What Are They & How Do They Operate?

Updated October 2, 2024 - Ransomware is known to be one of the most potent cyber attacks that affect businesses of all sizes. While corporate networks and government organizations maintain stringent cybersecurity policies to discourage ransomware attacks, the attackers, ransomware gangs, have shifted their focus to small and medium-sized businesses. According to Ransomware Trends 2023, Q2 Report from Cyberint, there has been a significant surge in ransomware incidents in Q2 of 2023, a ...
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Topics: Security Threats, Data Breach

How Your Business Can Detect and Manage Insider Threats

As an IT Manager, is it a struggle to implement preventative measures to detect, respond to, and mitigate insider threats? If they materialize, the insider threats can result in financial loss, reputational damage, legal and regulatory non-compliance, operational disruption, and negative impact on stakeholder, customer, and employee morale. Helping others in your organization realize the importance of preventing and managing insider threats and getting behind your process can be challenging. ...
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Topics: Security Threats, Data Breach, Network Security

Why Business Owners are Concerned About the Dark Web

Almost every day in the news, business owners hear about data breaches compromising confidential information. Have you ever wondered what cybercriminals do with the sensitive data they steal? The stolen data is misused to compromise your online identity, make fraudulent purchases, and is sold to unauthorized third parties. Cybercriminals also use the stolen information to hack into other accounts you maintain to steal more information, data, and money without your knowledge.
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Topics: Data Breach, Network Security, Alert

MFA Fatigue 101: Tactics, Examples, & How to Fight It

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is becoming mainstream for logging in to personal and business accounts. From your computer, bank account, government websites, or installing apps on your smart TV, MFA provides multiple methods to prove your identity to gain access to the device, statement, website, or app. A major reason for this is that MFA is required for many business cybersecurity insurance policies. MFA is not infallible, but it is part of the multi-layer security model that blocks ...
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Topics: Data Breach, Network Security

The Difference Between RaaS, Ransomware 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0

Ransomware has maintained the boogeyman title of cyber security for nearly three decades, growing steadily as its target expanded from individuals to corporations to government facilities and education. Since its creation, hackers have sophisticated ransomware attacks on a database, creating multiple versions to fit whatever objective they try to achieve.
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Topics: Data Breach, Network Security

The Phishing Baits Hackers Use to Reel You In

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Topics: Staff Training, Data Breach, Network Security

Fraudulent Accounts: Victims Losing Thousands on LinkedIn

With over 830 million members in 200 plus countries worldwide, LinkedIn is a great tool for business professionals to utilize. LinkedIn differs from its social media counterparts with its added ability to search and recruit for jobs, strengthen professional relationships, and pick up on tips colleagues have learned.
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Topics: Security Threats, Data Breach, Trends

Exposing a Hackers Popular Tactic: the Brute Force Attack

Hackers continue to refine their intrusion techniques to create more sophisticated attacks. But they still use tried and true methods. One is a brute force attack, a trial-and-error hacking method to crack passwords, login credentials, and encryption keys. They systematically try or steal, different usernames and passwords until they log into the system correctly.
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Topics: Security Threats, Data Breach, Network Security

Social Media Fraud and How It Impacts Your Business

Are you among the many business tapping social media to promote your products and services? 96% of small business owners include social media in their marketing strategy, mainly for paid ads and connecting with current and potential clients. But, just as your business uses these platforms to seek out prospects, cybercriminals are lurking in the corners, on the prowl for inattentive victims, including your employees, through social media phishing.
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Topics: Security Threats, Data Breach, Owners & Managers

Stay Alert to Compromised Credentials with Dark Web Monitoring

Do you know if your CEO’s email username and password are being sold on the dark web right now? How would you? Eventually, you’ll find out when you have to prevent finance from wiring a hacker - posing as your CEO - large sums of money. Or, you may find out after finance has already fallen for a CEO fraud phishing scam and wired a hacker money… But if there is a way for you to know when your CEO’s credentials are being sold in the first place, you can stop the scam before it even starts. Well, ...
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Topics: Security Threats, Data Breach, Network Security