
Technology Unwrapped

The most important technology concepts, strategies and actions uncovered for your business.

Structured Vs. Unstructured Cabling

Have you ever looked at a network closet and seen a tangled mess of wires that makes no discernible sense? Every IT professional has seen this, and it’s the stuff of nightmares for people who have to work with it. And what you see in the network closet usually resembles the cabling behind the walls and ceilings. The truth is that random cables running in haphazard patterns create problems in building, improving, or even maintaining a network. And, once a jumble of optical cables exists, it ...
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Topics: Cybersecurity

What is a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment & How is it Executed?

When someone asks you about cybersecurity for your business, what is your response? Do you feel strong, confident and informed? If so, that’s wonderful, but if you’re like most business leaders today, this topic might feel a bit foreign and even uncomfortable. That’s because cybersecurity covers a wide range of topics, services and tools that have evolved quickly. Cybersecurity is also technically complicated at times, and bad actors operate fast. And now, AI is increasing the number of people ...
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Topics: Cybersecurity

Will Firewalls Protect You Against Hackers?

Every business in Omaha or Lincoln needs IT security. That much is obvious when you consider the hackers target is small and large businesses alike. How you achieve the right amount of security for your business is the big question.
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Topics: Cybersecurity

Safeguarding Sensitive Data: Cybersecurity Tips for Staffing Agencies

Owning or managing a recruiting agency comes with so many opportunities. But for every opportunity, you face a dozen challenges. Among the greatest of those challenges is cybersecurity, and for a recruiting agency, personal data protection is incredibly important. If you’re not sure where to start, you’re in the right place. Below, we’ll discuss the top cybersecurity tips for recruiting agencies.
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Topics: Cybersecurity

How to Determine What Ransomware Payment Option is Best (Hint: None)

Unfortunately, ransomware attacks are now more common: Your business is hit by ransomware, and your valuable and sensitive data is locked by cyber criminals demanding an exorbitant ransom fee. You can’t afford to pay for it. But there's a twist now, some ransomware gangs are offering victims payment extension options.
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Topics: Cybersecurity

Vulnerabilities, Exploits & Threats: How They Impact Your Business

A 2023 report by Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that midsize businesses spend about $826 to $653,587 on cybersecurity incidents. It further asserts that the costs of cyber crimes will reach an estimated $10.5 trillion by 2025. The constant increase in the cost of cyber attacks in business is a message for Chief Financial Officers to take adequate threat-detection measures so that their organization doesn't become victim to a security incident.
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Topics: Security Threats, Cybersecurity

How AI is Transforming the Cybersecurity Landscape

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an exciting frontier for businesses and, unfortunately, hackers. It is considered a highly beneficial tool for humankind. However, like humans, AI has a light and dark side to the force since both cybersecurity experts and malicious actors use AI to benefit their objectives and work. While AI and machine learning algorithms significantly benefit midsize businesses, it is crucial for business leaders to know what is happening and how it impacts their business. A ...
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Topics: Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence