
Technology Unwrapped

The most important technology concepts, strategies and actions uncovered for your business.

Power Cycling vs. Restarting: What is the Difference?

One of the most common responses from help desk support is: “Have you tried turning the device off and then on again?” While it may seem redundant, this solution is commonly recommended as a quick and easy fix for many problems involving your computer or printer. But how do you efficiently turn off and on devices when they vary so much in form and function, or when the power button can be a sleep button in disguise? Enter: Power cycling. Keep reading to learn more about the differences between ...
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Topics: The Workplace

Email Encryption 101: What it is, How it Works, & Why Your SMB Needs it

Email is one of the core connectors for both internal and external communication. Millions of emails are sent daily to update, inform, advertise, and more. But security measures, such as email encryption, must be instilled when the email contains confidential information.
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Topics: Security Threats, Microsoft Products, Unified Communications

Refresh Your Technology With These 4 Considerations

With the click of a button, technology streamlines business operations that can save time, energy, and money. To take technology further, there comes a time when every business needs to take inventory of what they use, and how they can upgrade outdated technology to produce more and faster.
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Topics: Equipment Purchases, Phone Systems, Manufacturing, Outsourced IT

Exposing a Hackers Popular Tactic: the Brute Force Attack

Hackers continue to refine their intrusion techniques to create more sophisticated attacks. But they still use tried and true methods. One is a brute force attack, a trial-and-error hacking method to crack passwords, login credentials, and encryption keys. They systematically try or steal, different usernames and passwords until they log into the system correctly.
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Topics: Security Threats, Data Breach, Network Security

Why Your Small Business is Not Prepared for a Cyber Attack

You have installed layered security systems, and created backups, onsite and offsite. You may have even hired the best Omaha IT professionals to monitor your security, and yet, your business is still at risk. How can this be? You may be thinking the answer is because of the constant sophistication of cyber-attacks, and you are not wrong about that. However, the greatest weakness and biggest risk to your small business IT security is your staff, the people who are in your system every day.
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Topics: Security Threats, IT Support

CoreTech Introduces Vulnerability Management for SMBs with CyberCNS

CoreTech now offers a new service to clients that helps discover, monitor and secure network vulnerabilities and exploits. It’s a vulnerability scanning tool which looks through your network assets, such as laptops and servers, to evaluate which devices have a higher risk of exposure to malware. CoreTech is constantly analyzing and testing security products to add to our resource stack for small and midsize businesses. The tool we selected is CyberCNS, which helps us safeguard your business ...
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Topics: Our Company, Alert, IT Support

Outlook vs. Gmail Head-to-Head: Which One is Best for Business?

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the head-to-head match. In the red corner, the underdog is gaining ground with over 6 million business users and owning over 10 percent of the market productivity suite through Google Workspace, Gmail. Over in the blue corner, our champion contender with over 87% of market productivity and is connected to one of the largest online business portals, Outlook. Which email service is coming out on top as the best email service for your business?
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Topics: Microsoft Products, The Workplace, Technology Planning

How to Leverage Technology to Improve Your Customer Experience

Companies with a customer service mindset drive revenue 4-8% higher than their competitors, according to Forbes. Great customer experiences lead to more referrals and consequently more business. Technology advancements can either add to or subtract from your CX. We will cover practical ways that your business can have an impact on positive customer service. If you are a small business, take a look at these areas to improve communication, streamline, and tackle the challenges that you may be ...
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Topics: Technology Planning, Outsourced IT, IT Support

5 Reasons to Outsource Your Business Cyber Security

A cyber attack can be devastating to your company’s operations. Small Business Trends estimates the average cost of cyber-attacks on small businesses to be over $25,000. Unfortunately, small businesses are a frequent target of cyber criminals. As a business owner, you must be vigilant to ensure your business is protected and not infected with viruses. This takes time and resources from your organization that might be needed elsewhere.
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Topics: The Workplace, Outsourced IT, IT Support

5 Signs You Have Outgrown Your Omaha IT Support Provider

As a small to midsize business owner, one of your top priorities is ensuring your company has the right technology in place to reach your business goals. This means ensuring your employees have the tools they need to do their jobs, such as computers, printers, and applications. One of the most important technologies you can provide for your employees is effective IT support.
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Topics: Owners & Managers, Local Omaha News, Technology Planning, IT Support