
Technology Unwrapped

The most important technology concepts, strategies and actions uncovered for your business.

Is Microsoft Teams HIPAA Compliant?

Like many other businesses, healthcare organizations continue to search for ways to work with employees and customers through enhanced mobility and collaboration. While working through the cloud provides greater reach and access, connecting online puts these businesses at greater risk for exposure, data leaks and targeted attacks from cyber criminals, particularly if employees are using their own personal devices. And healthcare organizations must remain HIPAA compliant throughout this sharing ...
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Topics: Microsoft Products, Network Security, Health Care

Why Your SMB Should Care about Ransomware

2020 has been an unexpected, topsy-turvy year for everyone running a business. From moving to remote models to digital marketing, a lot of businesses are conducting a majority of their business online. With that digital shift comes more pronounced vulnerabilities to cyber attacks, and one of the most noteworthy tactics criminals have turned to is ransomware. In fact, it is now the most common type of cyber security incident threatening small-midsized businesses. Read on to learn more about what ...
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Topics: Security Threats, Network Security

Why Does Your Organization Need Mobile Device Management?

The current popularity of remote and flexible work options marks an evolution in normal workplace practices. But, while your employees may enjoy their newfound freedom of working from mobile devices within their home office or local coffee shop, you as a business owner or manager may have some security concerns about monitoring and managing all those mobile devices. That’s where Mobile Device Management (MDM) comes into the equation.
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Topics: Security Threats, Network Security, Technology Planning

4 Elements of an Effective Cyber Security Awareness Training Program

Your employees likely already know that they play a critical role in protecting company data assets, and that failing to uphold that responsibility can have disastrous consequences. However, an understanding of the stakes is not enough to protect the company from data breaches; your employees need the right tools and information presented in a digestible, actionable way. Conveying facts and instructions via a long PowerPoint presentation simply isn’t effective. In order to get all of your ...
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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats, Network Security

3 Benefits of Network Monitoring for Better Security and Performance

A network outage causes downtime that can significantly impact your company’s bottom line. Not only do performance issues impact business productivity, but if they are tied to security issues, there may be more at stake — like your company’s data and reputation. That’s why network monitoring is a necessity for any small to midsize business. With a network monitoring solution in place, your business can stay ahead of performance or security issues and fix them before they become a bigger ...
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Topics: Network Security

The Solution Your Mobile Workers Need: Mobile Device Management

In just the past few years, the way employees use mobile devices in the workplace has significantly shifted. The popularity of remote work options and the adoption of bring your own device (BYOD) programs have increased. Whether employees are using their own mobile device or a company-owned device, they can enjoy the flexibility and ease of working remotely, while employers benefit from increased productivity and efficiency. However, as more companies embrace employee mobility, they also need ...
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Topics: Trends, Network Security

5 Steps to Take If Your System Gets Hacked

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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats, Data Breach, Network Security

Use These 4 Simple Solutions to Improve Password Security

Most business owners and managers understand the important role that secure passwords play in protecting business data and accounts from being compromised. When you consider that business technology users maintain an average of 191 passwords, it only makes sense that not every organization wants to take on the considerable feat of ensuring their staff create unique and complex passwords for every application and account they have access to. Nevermind regularly updating all those passwords every ...
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Topics: Staff Training, The Workplace, Network Security

IT for Law Firms: How Managed Service Providers Help Legal Clients

In the legal industry, time is money. And there’s nothing more frustrating than sitting down to a full day of billable work when your technology starts to fail you. If you don’t have an in-house IT team, this often results in spending hours trying to fix the problem yourself before you finally call in an expert who might be able to fit you in at some point, after they figure out how your system is structured.
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Topics: Network Security, Law

6 Reasons a Firewall is an Essential Part of Your Business’s Cyber Security

In today’s world, you can never be too careful with your organization’s cyber security. And if your employees are accessing the internet, a firewall needs to be a key part of your cyber security strategy. Firewall tools are not only useful for securing digital assets and protecting hardware, but can also be used to block employees from accessing prohibited sites and to filter web traffic. Certain firewall configurations can even tip you off if a data breach or intrusion occurs, which means you ...
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Topics: Security Threats, Network Security