
Technology Unwrapped

The most important technology concepts, strategies and actions uncovered for your business.

Why Your Omaha SMB Should Be Conducting Phishing Email Simulations

We’ve all heard that COVID-19 phishing scams have seen a sharp uptick in the past few months. That fact itself may not be surprising, considering cyber criminals ramp up their activity anytime major events happen. However, the actual statistics behind the frequency of recent phishing attacks are jaw-dropping.
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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats, Local Omaha News

4 Elements of an Effective Cyber Security Awareness Training Program

Your employees likely already know that they play a critical role in protecting company data assets, and that failing to uphold that responsibility can have disastrous consequences. However, an understanding of the stakes is not enough to protect the company from data breaches; your employees need the right tools and information presented in a digestible, actionable way. Conveying facts and instructions via a long PowerPoint presentation simply isn’t effective. In order to get all of your ...
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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats, Network Security

Spotting Spoofed or Phishing Emails on a Mobile Device

You've probably noticed our previous updates covering phishing and how to identify phony emails. And, you've likely had a bit of practice with identifying them yourself on your work computer. But what about staying safe on your mobile device? The rules for detecting spam and phishing hazards on your phone or tablet differ slightly than what you are used to doing in Outlook on your desktop or laptop. The process isn’t quite as straightforward, but you can still take precautionary steps to avoid ...
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Topics: Security Threats

Is that a UPS Package Notification or a Phishing Email? 4 Ways to Tell

‘Tis the season for online shopping. As the volume of online sales increases, so do the frequency of phishing emails disguised as popular online retailers and delivery services. It’s important to remember that a cyber criminal’s goal is to get you to click before you consider the possibility that the email you’ve received could be fraudulent. This is why it’s important to take the time to really look at emails before clicking any links or downloading attachments — especially if an email is ...
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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats

5 Steps to Take If Your System Gets Hacked

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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats, Data Breach, Network Security

6 Tips for Safely Shopping Online for the Holidays

As we make our way into the holiday season and start thinking about what we're buying everyone, it’s important to heighten our awareness of who we’re giving our credit card information to. Don’t let cyber criminals ruin your holiday celebrations! Take a minute to remind yourself, your friends, and your family how to keep personal information safe while online shopping for holiday gifts.
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Topics: Security Threats, Trends

6 Reasons a Firewall is an Essential Part of Your Business’s Cyber Security

In today’s world, you can never be too careful with your organization’s cyber security. And if your employees are accessing the internet, a firewall needs to be a key part of your cyber security strategy. Firewall tools are not only useful for securing digital assets and protecting hardware, but can also be used to block employees from accessing prohibited sites and to filter web traffic. Certain firewall configurations can even tip you off if a data breach or intrusion occurs, which means you ...
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Topics: Security Threats, Network Security

10 Most Commonly Used Brands in Phishing Attacks

Phishing is a common tactic used by cyber criminals, as it can be very lucrative but doesn’t require as much technical, hacking know-how as other types of cyber attacks. Hackers often bank on you recognizing a brand name and being one-of-many that have an account with that company. With this in mind they convince you that the phishing email is legitimate. Often claiming that you’ve been locked out of your account, a payment didn’t go through, you need to update your information, or anything ...
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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats, Trends

10 Tips for Tightening the Financial Controls of Your Business

Recently, it has come to light that Save the Children Federation was swindled into wiring $1 million to cybercriminals. The money was allegedly going to buy solar panels for health centers in Pakistan, which is well within the scope of the organization’s standard operations. Unfortunately, the transaction was not uncovered as fraudulent until a month after it occurred, thus they were unable to stop the cybercriminals from making off with the funds.
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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats, Owners & Managers

Are you an easy target for phishing scams?

The sole objective of any phishing email is to trick you into clicking a malicious link. If you aren't vigilant, phishing scams can be easy to fall for. It doesn't matter who you are, how much money you have, or what company you work for, you can be targeted and it's important to know how to protect yourself. Since Amazon and Uber are so well-known and widely used services, cybercriminals have often chosen them to impersonate. Their aim? To lull you into a false sense of security at receiving ...
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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats, Network Security