
Technology Unwrapped

The most important technology concepts, strategies and actions uncovered for your business.

How to Create an Acceptable Use Policy

While technology plays an important role in keeping your organization safe from data breaches, security risks, and other malicious online behavior, it can’t do all the work by itself. The most secure companies create a culture that includes risk management, where employees are invested in taking steps toward reducing incidents by minimizing risky behavior and working to protect their technology and data assets.
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Topics: Staff Training, The Workplace

10 Most Commonly Used Brands in Phishing Attacks

Phishing is a common tactic used by cyber criminals, as it can be very lucrative but doesn’t require as much technical, hacking know-how as other types of cyber attacks. Hackers often bank on you recognizing a brand name and being one-of-many that have an account with that company. With this in mind they convince you that the phishing email is legitimate. Often claiming that you’ve been locked out of your account, a payment didn’t go through, you need to update your information, or anything ...
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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats, Trends

10 Tips for Tightening the Financial Controls of Your Business

Recently, it has come to light that Save the Children Federation was swindled into wiring $1 million to cybercriminals. The money was allegedly going to buy solar panels for health centers in Pakistan, which is well within the scope of the organization’s standard operations. Unfortunately, the transaction was not uncovered as fraudulent until a month after it occurred, thus they were unable to stop the cybercriminals from making off with the funds.
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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats, Owners & Managers

Are you an easy target for phishing scams?

The sole objective of any phishing email is to trick you into clicking a malicious link. If you aren't vigilant, phishing scams can be easy to fall for. It doesn't matter who you are, how much money you have, or what company you work for, you can be targeted and it's important to know how to protect yourself. Since Amazon and Uber are so well-known and widely used services, cybercriminals have often chosen them to impersonate. Their aim? To lull you into a false sense of security at receiving ...
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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats, Network Security

Is Your Inbox A Crime Scene? 6 Ways to Evaluate Potential Phishing Scams

Much like the shiny lures fishermen use to attract their prey, cybercriminals use email attachments or links to try to get you to click through to malicious content. Often using cheap scare tactics, phishing scams induce a quick, panicked response by making you feel like you have something to lose by not clicking on the link. However, the instant you click, you open yourself up to malware attacks that can cost you financially and reputationally, and it will definitely eat up time to reverse the ...
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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats

How to set your favorite search engine as your default

When you open up your web browser with the intent to search for something, it can be irritating to have your computer open a search engine you don't like or are not familiar with. Those who regularly search for information on the web usually have a preferred search engine. Below you will find some steps to take when your web browser default is not what you want it to be.
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Topics: Staff Training

Dark Web, Deep Web -- What's the difference?

So how many of you watched the series CSI: Cyber before it was cancelled? Like many other detective dramas, they often talked about the “DARK WEB” (dramatic music playing in background). Sounds scary, right?? Then they throw in the term “Deep Web” to really confuse us. Although I have begun to grasp the idea of what the Dark Web is, there is still a bit of mystery to it. What I do know is that when my data was stolen from a large insurance firm I was told that my personal information was being ...
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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats

BEC fraud: The threat you can't afford to ignore

Business E-mail Compromise (BEC), commonly known as “CEO fraud,” is a rapidly increasing concern affecting companies’ financial and data security today. What exactly is BEC? It has been defined as a scam that targets businesses working with foreign suppliers and/or businesses that regularly use wire transfer payments. Scammers skillfully gain access to and impersonate company executives, attorneys, or suppliers through e-mails to fraudulently authorize the transfer of company funds. Payments ...
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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats, Data Breach

Passwords Are Like Underwear

Almost anything you do online these days requires a password, from logging into your Facebook account to conducting online banking to managing personal and business credit card statements. Passwords are a necessity to keep your online information safe and sound. How should you protect your passwords? You shouldn’t leave them out where people can see them. You should change them regularly Don’t share them with friends. You shouldn’t loan them out!
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Topics: Staff Training