
Technology Unwrapped

The most important technology concepts, strategies and actions uncovered for your business.

CoreTech Staff

CoreTech Staff
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How to Hold a Smooth Video Meeting in Microsoft Teams

The benefit of clear and concise business communication is that it leads to more sales, better customer service, and good rapport with clients, vendors, and employees. And that’s where technology tools become much more important in our work.
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Topics: Microsoft Products

Learn the Basics: Employee Cybersecurity Training Courses (+ Advanced Ideas)

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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats, The Workplace

Wait, DON’T CLICK that Link!

Phishing attacks continue to be one of the leading cyberattack methods targeting small businesses. With a cyberattack occurring every 36 seconds, hackers are relentlessly trying to steal your company or personal information. One of the ways they collect data is by providing you with a link to click. They are hoping you don’t know the signs and signals that the intent of their request is malicious.
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Topics: Staff Training, Security Threats, Network Security

4 Tips to Creating Your SMB IT Budget

Creating an IT budget isn’t always easy for CFOs of small to midsize businesses. You’re busy keeping the business wheels turning to ensure the cash flow is there to sustain growth, analyzing key metrics, collecting accounts receivable, and reviewing reports.
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The Difference Between RaaS, Ransomware 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0

Ransomware has maintained the boogeyman title of cyber security for nearly three decades, growing steadily as its target expanded from individuals to corporations to government facilities and education. Since its creation, hackers have sophisticated ransomware attacks on a database, creating multiple versions to fit whatever objective they try to achieve.
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Topics: Data Breach, Network Security

The Phishing Baits Hackers Use to Reel You In

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Topics: Staff Training, Data Breach, Network Security

Fraudulent Accounts: Victims Losing Thousands on LinkedIn

With over 830 million members in 200 plus countries worldwide, LinkedIn is a great tool for business professionals to utilize. LinkedIn differs from its social media counterparts with its added ability to search and recruit for jobs, strengthen professional relationships, and pick up on tips colleagues have learned.
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Topics: Security Threats, Data Breach, Trends

Email Encryption 101: What it is, How it Works, & Why Your SMB Needs it

Email is one of the core connectors for both internal and external communication. Millions of emails are sent daily to update, inform, advertise, and more. But security measures, such as email encryption, must be instilled when the email contains confidential information.
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Topics: Security Threats, Microsoft Products, Unified Communications

Exposing a Hackers Popular Tactic: the Brute Force Attack

Hackers continue to refine their intrusion techniques to create more sophisticated attacks. But they still use tried and true methods. One is a brute force attack, a trial-and-error hacking method to crack passwords, login credentials, and encryption keys. They systematically try or steal, different usernames and passwords until they log into the system correctly.
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Topics: Security Threats, Data Breach, Network Security

Outlook vs. Gmail Head-to-Head: Which One is Best for Business?

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the head-to-head match. In the red corner, the underdog is gaining ground with over 6 million business users and owning over 10 percent of the market productivity suite through Google Workspace, Gmail. Over in the blue corner, our champion contender with over 87% of market productivity and is connected to one of the largest online business portals, Outlook. Which email service is coming out on top as the best email service for your business?
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Topics: Microsoft Products, The Workplace, Technology Planning